The Best Apps To Use For The Different Load Shedding Schedules

In a country ridden with load shedding, we’re all trying to do our best to make ends meet. Luckily, our beloved South Africa is part of a technologically-advanced world that gives us the upper hand (or somewhat) in battling the never-ending waves of power outages we face. Enter load shedding apps. Some of these apps also allow you to add your zone or suburb for location-specific times and stages of load shedding daily, while others allow for entertainment when the power goes out.

As Benjamin Franklin once said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail,” but the SweepSouth team is here to help with all necessary preparations. In this post you’ll find the best apps for load shedding that you can download and start using today. 

5 Useful Apps for the Stages of Load Shedding

Power cut
  1. Eskom Se Push
  2. Load Shedding Notifier
  3. Loadshedding
  4. Loadshedder Alert
  5. Gridwatch

1. Eskom Se Push

Eskom Se Push is hands down the best load-shedding app in South Africa. This app allows you to receive load shedding notifications before it occurs. You can use this app from almost anywhere in South Africa, as you can choose from over 50 000 locations. Eskom se Push is useful at showing each set of load shedding from stages 1 to 8, regardless of the current schedule. The free app will also notify you when potential outages could start with more accuracy than Eskom itself. 

2. Load Shedding Notifier

The Load Shedding Notifier App is the best load shedding app by far, according to their website. This load shedding app monitors the status of the power outage and lets you know if the power is scheduled to go off in your area. This app includes all schedules of all known municipalities supplied by Eskom, nationwide. 

3. Loadshedding

The Loadshedding App, just like most load shedding apps, sends you a notification before load shedding takes place. It also allows you to access schedules from multiple suburbs and areas, for you to be able to anticipate when load shedding will occur in another area. The app is available to download on Google Play and is now available on iPhones. 

4. Loadshedder Alert

The Loadshedder Alert app helps you to track load shedding in your work area and your residential location. It will also send notifications of when the power outage is expected to start and end. 

5. Gridwatch

The Gridwatch load shedding app is available for iPhone and Android users. By choosing your area, the app will tell you whether or not you will be affected by load shedding. It also gives you notifications before your stage starts. 

Other Useful Apps


1. Netflix

The Netflix smartphone app can be used during load shedding. Many streaming services allow users to store content for offline streaming. The Netflix Smart Download feature downloads content you’re watching and also content that you may enjoy. Opening the app during load shedding offers a few shows or movies that you would usually choose to watch.

2. Bolt Food Or Uber Eats

These apps are perfect if you haven’t already made dinner when load shedding kicks in. Many of us already know about Uber Eats and use it whether there is load shedding or not. Its rival, Bolt, now has its Bolt Food variation. If you’re left in the dark about what stage of load shedding your area is on, and get caught with uncooked food, both of these apps are incredibly useful for a quick meal or family dinner when the power goes out. 


Any one of the apps listed above are crucial to have during these trying times. If you haven’t already done so, downloading any of these will be beneficial for you to plan around the power outages, and help you prepare for load shedding. If you’re tired of essential devices running out of battery during load shedding, and don’t have the means to charge these devices, you may want to read the following article – UPS a great solution for loading.

With the power situation adding immensely to the stress of daily life, don’t let a dirty home do the same. Leave your chore worries to the home service professionals you can find on the SweepSouth platform, and let them do what they do best. Book a SweepSouth cleaning service today and find out just how easy and convenient it can be partnering with SA’s #1 home services platform.

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