Uncovering A Hidden Talent

As SweepSouth customers know, our top SweepStars are incredibly talented, especially when it comes to keeping their homes spotless. What those customers might not always think about, however, is the hidden talents they don’t see.

Every now and then, though, something magical happens and our customer learns that their SweepStar has skills that go far beyond cleaning.

That’s exactly what happened when Cape Town software developer Darryn van der Walt got talking to Talent Pachenah, a SweepStar he’d been using for about a month.

When they got talking to about code, he quickly realised that Talent knew all about it and alerted SweepSouth about her skills. In fact, she has a BSc in computing.

When Talent came in to interview for a junior developer position earlier this week, we took the chance to get to know her a little better.

From left: Our CEO – Aisha Pandor, Talent Pachenah and our CTO – Alen Ribic.

Born in Zimbabwe, Talent came to South Africa a few years ago in search of better economic opportunities.

It was while doing industry attachments during her studies that Talent really fell in love with software development and coding.

“I was working closely with the systems analyst and kept telling myself: ‘Wow! I want to be like him’”, she told us.

Unfortunately, when Talent relocated to Cape Town, she found the opportunities in her preferred field to be limited.

As such, she joined the SweepSouth platform to bring in money while she continued looking for work. And that’s what brought her into contact with Darryn and, ultimately, the SweepSouth management team.

Ultimately, Talent would like to be a systems analyst, that is the person in charge of analysing computing processes and pieces of software and improving them.

Given Talent’s affinity for computers, she could well achieve that ambition.

“I love being on a computer more than being with my friends, in fact, computers are my friends,” she says.

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