A Clean Home and A Happy Mind


Many people think of home cleaning as something done reluctantly, that is ticked off near-last on a to-do list full of “I don’t want to but I probably should” chores. However, data from a recent UK study commissioned by home cleaning service Homejoy suggests that keeping your home clean is more important than we may think. After conducting an in-depth survey on both women and men on their home cleaning habits, the study concluded the following:

  • 42% of women cited mess and dirt at home as the top cause of their stress
  • 18% of men said that cleaning was a therapeutic activity
  • Men clean their homes more regularly than women, but often less thoroughly
  • 34% of men mainly pay attention to the bedroom and sheets when cleaning
  • 31% of women described themselves as “top-to-toe” cleaners
  • 20% of 18-24 year olds said their cleaning consisted of hiding things under furniture
  • 40% of women admitted to regularly arguing with their partners over emptying the dishwasher
  • 51% of all respondents cited not taking out rubbish as the main cause of fights at home

The results of this study clearly show that men and women have different attitudes to cleaning, something corroborated by a Dettol Habit Study conducted in 2011 on South Africans (among respondents from 11 other countries). They also suggest that cleaning habits can effect our relationships. According to Psychologist Anjula Mutanda, “The psychological impact of your living environment can have a profound effect on your happiness and well-being”. A solution? Outsource 🙂 Treat yourself and gain peace of mind by allowing SweepSouth to handle all of your home cleaning needs.

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