Lawn Care Tips For a Green, Healthy-Looking Lawn

When the warmer weather of spring and summer start to make an appearance, the colours of the natural world become more prominent and evident. Wouldn’t you want your lawn to add to that by boasting a healthy, green presence? A breathtaking lawn adds a feeling of wonder to your home and provides you and your family with a comfortable and pleasant space to play and relax. 

No matter if it’s your front or your backyard, our passion for gardening has led us to providing you with helpful lawn care tips to transform your garden’s grass into a healthy and luscious stretch of green that you’ll love waking up to every day. Use the following guidelines to give your lawn some TLC and have it look healthier and greener than ever.

Cut Your Grass At The Perfect Height

Anyone who’s ever tried to grow a healthy lawn knows that there are a lot of factors to consider – from the type of grass you’re using to the amount of sunlight it gets. One of the most important, but often overlooked factors, is cutting height. Depending on the type of grass, you’ll want to keep it anywhere from 5 to 10cm tall. If you cut it too short, the grass will be more susceptible to disease. This is known as “scalping” and it exposes your lawn to excessive amounts of heat and sunlight. However, if you let it grow too long, it will become an easy hiding area for pests. The key is to find the sweet spot – not too short and not too long – so that your lawn can stay healthy and green all season long.

Get Rid Of Weeds And Moss

We all know that weeds and moss can be a real pain in the neck when it comes to keeping our lawns looking nice and healthy. But did you know that getting rid of these pesky plants can actually help to improve the health of your lawn? Weeds and moss compete with grass for water, nutrients, and sunlight, so getting rid of them can give your lawn a much-needed boost. In addition, weeds and moss often harbour harmful diseases and pests, which can damage your grass if left unchecked. So if you’re looking to give your lawn a little TLC, start by getting rid of these two unwanted plants. Your grass will thank you for it!

Fix Up Bare Patches

If your lawn has some bare patches, there are a few things you can do to fix them up. One option is to seed the area with grass seed. You’ll need to prepare the soil first by loosening it up and removing any rocks or debris. Then, spread the seed evenly over the area and water it regularly until the grass starts to grow. 

Another option is to lay down sod. This is a more expensive option, but it’s also much easier since you don’t have to do any prep work or wait for the grass to grow. Simply lay the sod down on the bare ground and water it regularly until it takes root. Whichever method you choose, a little effort goes a long way in creating a whole new look for your lawn.

Don’t Overwater

When it comes to lawn care, one of the most common mistakes people make is overwatering. More water does not equal a lusher, healthier lawn. In fact, too much water can actually damage your grass and make it more susceptible to disease

The roots of your grass need oxygen to stay healthy, and overwatering can cause them to suffocate. Furthermore, too much water can encourage the growth of weeds and fungi. The key to a healthy lawn is to water deeply but infrequently. This will encourage your grass roots to grow deeper, making your lawn more drought-resistant. When you do water, make sure to do it early in the morning so that the sun can quickly evaporate any excess water. By following these simple tips, you can keep your lawn healthy and green all summer long.

Feed Your Lawn With Fertiliser

Our last suggestion relates to feeding your lawn to help it become strong and healthy when growing. In order to keep your lawn looking its best, it’s important to fertilise it on a regular basis. Fertiliser provides the nutrients that grass needs to thrive, and it can also help to control weeds and pests. Applying fertiliser is easy – simply spread it over your lawn and water it well. For best results, fertilise your lawn at least once a year – and more often if you live in an area with high temperatures or prolonged drought conditions. 

With this newfound knowledge, you’ll be an expert at creating a masterpiece in your front and backyard in no time. By following these simple tips, you can keep your lawn healthy and looking green all year long!

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