What Our Customer Have To Say

As you know, it’s easy for us to say that our brand and services are great and easy to use, but our word alone cannot reassure you and entice you to give us a try. We have to do a lot more to gain your trust as a customer, and with that being said, there is no better way to gain your trust and show you that we are credible, than to share with you our customer testimonials and sentiments that are shared with us and SweepStars directly.

By sharing our customers’ testimonials and sentiments, we are able to move the spotlight away from us and shine it on the SweepStars that are doing such a great job in providing clean, happy homes for their customers. Bear in mind, that our customers were once in your shoes, contemplating and debating whether or not to use our services, comparing prices and checking our social media to see what people are saying about our brand overall.

As with many businesses offering services, there are times where mistakes are made, however, most of the time the services rendered are top-notch and our customers tend to be too busy enjoying their clean, happy, home and don’t really have much time to share their experiences on social media. With 1000s of bookings from month to month, we receive feedback directly, from customers who book with us, through our rating system. The positive feedback we receive by far outweighs the negative and we have found that naturally, users are more likely to share negative feedback on social media platforms rather than positive feedback. 

So, we thought we’d share with you, short and sweet, sentiments from our customers to help put your mind at ease about using our services:

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