Massage Techniques You Can Try At Home

If you are often too busy with work and other daily activities, it may be hard to find the time to connect with your partner in ways that strengthen your relationship and create a relaxed space and ultimately a stress-free lifestyle. You don’t have to be a professional – if your partner asks you for a back massage, all you need is some massage oil, relaxing music, and your own hands. No experience is required. Instead of buying a gift card for a professional massage therapist, read these tips to learn the key back massage techniques that can help you give a relaxing, memorable massage, in the comfort of your home.

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Create A Relaxing Massage Atmosphere

Look for a stable, comfortable surface in your home. A carpeted floor or a bed will work perfectly as a home massage surface. You don’t need a professional massage table, any stable surface that you can move around will suffice. 

Once you have chosen the surface, lay down towels, blankets, or any other sort of soft material to increase comfort for whoever you’re giving the massage to. Have your partner lay flat on their stomach, and fold up a towel for them to use as a forehead rest. 

Next, you may want to create a relaxing and peaceful environment for the massage by adding some soft music, scented candles, or flowers and herbs. Try also keeping the lighting to a minimum. Keep your massage oil or lotion close by. 

Massage Oils

There are plenty of options for massage oil. Many massage therapists use a specialised massage lotion as it’s made not to be too slippery, too dry, or too absorbent, meaning it lasts for longer. However, there are still many massage therapists who simply use custom blends of oils that you will be able to find at a natural foods store. Look for oils like almond or jojoba, and essential oils such as lavender or citrus – these oils can also be blended as desired. You can leave out the essential oils if you or the recipient are not so keen on fragrance.

1. Begin The Massage 

Start by rubbing some oil into your hands and then gently spread the oil across the back of the person receiving the massage. Spreading the oil in a figure 8 motion may help to ensure that you’re covering the entire area. Gradually increase pressure applied as you continue massaging. Allow the body to warm up to the massage, by starting with a flat palm on the back in circular motions to warm up the muscle tissue called the ‘effleurage’, instead of jumping right into heavy kneading.

Tip: Moving your body while applying pressure on your partner’s back during the massage can help to maintain stamina, and prevent you from possible injury. 

2. Use Your Body Weight

Once the body has been warmed up with the circular motions, you can begin to use motions like thumb kneading and elbow ironing along longer muscles. If working on a tense shoulder, place your palms on the muscles and gradually lean onto your hands. 

For tight hamstrings, use your knees and rest them on the muscle tissue. Use your body weight to apply pressure and release the tightness. Let your body weight do the work so you don’t end up overworking your arms. 

3. Pay Special Attention To The Neck And Shoulders

Headaches often start with muscle tension in the shoulder muscles, neck, and jaw. Use your thumbs to create controlled back and forth motions to separate tightness across the grain of the muscle. Massage therapists say this feels something like strumming guitar strings. 

Since everything is connected, if your partner has neck pain or headaches, you may want to try massaging around the shoulders, where muscles connect to the bone. It can often ease tension elsewhere. Think of it like giving slack to a tightrope. 

Hold the shoulder muscle in your hands and apply varying amounts of pressure, depending on the comfort level of the person being massaged. 

Finish off the massage with the figure 8 rubbing motion. 

Massage Tips For The Head, Hands, And Feet

1. Find The Pressure Points In Your Hand 

Use the thumb and index finger to massage your right hand. Focus on the area around the base of the thumb, making small circular presses and squeezing to ease tension in your hand. Then stretch your hand and make circular motions with your wrists. 

2. Loosen Up The Muscles In Your Feet

Tension in your feet can travel through the body, leading to muscle pain and tightness in your legs and hips, which are directly connected to lower back pain, shoulder pain, and possibly headaches. 

Depending on how sensitive you are to pressure, look for a tennis ball and place it on the ground under your foot. Gently place some of your body weight on your foot, then move your foot over the tennis ball in circular motions. This should loosen up the muscles. 

3. Relax Your Head

Kneading and pressure aren’t the only ways to release tension in your head, you can try stretching your head from side to side. Try touching your shoulder with one ear, then place a hand onto the opposite ear, and let the weight of your hand gently pull your head and neck into a deeper stretch. Press in small, circular motions around the temples and the base of the skull where your neck meets. 

4. Stay Hydrated

Almost any activity that loosens muscle tension can release toxins in the body. Make sure you don’t get sore after a massage, by drinking plenty of water to clear away toxins. 

Massages have many benefits, including the easing of stress, headaches, improvement of posture, and more. For a holistic health routine and to keep up with intimacy between you and your partner, take turns to give each other a quick massage as often as required. Additionally, a wellness professional can help both of you get into better shape, eat more nutritiously, and relax more easily. 

If you’re feeling super relaxed after a massage and probably not feeling up to cleaning your home, book a professional home clean service, so that you can relax and leave the cleaning to us. 

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