Easter Activities in Lockdown

You may be sitting at home thinking about all the plans you had for your Easter weekend, but now stuck in your home facing the reality of lockdown. Look it’s not the end of the world, there’s so much we can do in the comfort of our homes. We have locked down some lockdown activities you can do this Easter Weekend. 


Easter 2019, oh the fresh smell of hot-cross buns in the oven, grans pickled fish in the fridge ( Which last year you swore you’d never touch again, but are now craving. ) family members all asking when you’re getting married or where those extra kgs came from, whoever thought you’d miss that! Fast-forward Easter 2020, alone, noodles in the cupboard, no nosy family members and you’ve already eaten all your Easter snacks that you’ve bought.

Luckily, we understand, that it’s okay for things to feel a bit out of place right now, or even sad. Unfortunately with COVID-19 the country, and need we say the world, has been turned upside down. However, we take this time to appreciate, reflect, and love, after all, Easter is not all about those Buns and Eggs (wink). Luckily for you, we’ve got the best hot-cross bun recipe that is so straight forward and easy, you will definitely be coming back for more:


  • 200 ml of milk
  • 55g unsalted butter
  • 2 x 7g sachets of dried yeast
  • 455g flour
  • 1 teaspoon mixed spice
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 whole nutmeg, for grating (fine nutmeg will do as well)
  • 55g caster sugar
  • 1 large free-range egg
  • 5 g sultanas or raisins
  • Runny honey


  • Add the milk and 50ml water to a small pan and place over a low heat for a few minutes, or until slightly warm, then add the butter. Once all melted together, set aside to cool.
  • Take the warm milk mixture, add to a bowl and add the yeast.
  • Sift the flour into a large bowl, add a pinch of salt, all the spices and sugar.
  • Make a hole in the center of the flour mixture and add the melted butter mixture, then add 1 egg.
  • Using a fork, mix the dough well, and then transfer onto a flat surface for kneading. Knead the dough for 10 minutes,
  • Cover with a tea towel for 1 hour ( Or until doubled in size )
  • Once risen, Add your raisins to the dough and knead once again. Roll out the dough into a long row, and divide the dough into 12 round rolls and place them on a baking tray allowing them to rise once more. ( double in size )
  • Preheat oven to 190 degrees.
  • Take two tablespoons of flour, and water to make a liquid mixture. ( for the crosses )
  • Once the buns have risen, Add the crosses and place in the oven for 20 to 25 minutes.
  • Transfer to a wire cooling rack, brush over a little honey to glaze, then leave to cool.
  • Slice open the sticky hot cross buns, spread with a little butter and serve – delicious!

If lounging about has you bored after 10 minutes, why not bring some entertainment into your life and switch up your game and create your own Easter egg hunt in your garden or in your home, to help make the kids feel like nothing has changed much and Easter weekend is still a weekend of fun and games. In the evening once all is settled and all tummies have been filled, get your board games and start the competitive run of who’s the best board game player. Whether it be Snake and Ladders, Ludo or even just 30 Seconds or Monopoly, whatever your family preference is, include it in your Easter weekend plans. But if you spending Easter all alone and locked up in your homely den, download TikTok and create some entertaining content to send over to your family and friends and show off your creative and crazy side – there’s no doubt they’ll be missing you.


Bring the party over to you through video calls or live chats. As crazy as it may seem, it will make you feel like you are right at home. House Party has brought family games straight to your phones to help bring you all closer. Playing games from just anywhere, all through a video call. Although this new technology may seem all fun and games, maybe you an old school entertainer and enjoy grabbing your deodorant can as your mic and creating your own karaoke scene – you can do this alone or with your family. We have listed some great lockdown hits that will be sure to bring the Whitney Houston out of everyone:

  1. I Get Knocked Down – Chumbawamba
  2. Let’s Get It On – Mavin Gaye
  3. I Will Survive – Gloria Gaynor
  4. I Wanna Dance With Somebody – Whitney Houston
  5. Killing Me Softly With His Hands – The Fugees
  6. Rise Up – Andra Day

This year, we’re taking it easy, we’re popping on Netflix or grabbing that book, we’re making that awful instant coffee, and we’re parking ourselves on the couch, we’re video calling everyone and we’re making the most out of a situation that we can not control. 

While this may be fun and games for some, we understand that this could be an extremely confusing time for others, so don’t forget to look after yourself, take a bubble bath, reach out to friends and family, meditate and allow yourself to embrace what is. While doing this, don’t forget you need to indulge in some snacks, that you can get from SweepSouth Shop. Not to worry, we have snacks for your fur babies too (wink).

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