5 Ways To Refer Your Friends

If you have a friend who needs some home service assistance, why not be rewarded for referring them to our service? For every friend you refer (and who successfully books a home service using your code), you will receive R150 SweepCred automatically added to your individual account.

Sharing your unique referral code is pretty simple. See our top 5 ways that you can share your code.

5 Ways To Refer Your Friends:

  1. Share Your Code With Your Family And Friends

Love our service? Why not share your experience with the people you love. After all, it’s your word against ours, and your friends and family trust your opinion. Share your referral code with your family and friends (via social media or WhatsApp) and earn the title of “Friend Of The Year”. You will thank us later.

  1. Share Your Code With Neighbourhood Groups

If you’re not in a neighbourhood WhatsApp/Telegram group, are you even part of the community? Score some brownie points with your neighbours by broadcasting your referral code in the community chat groups.

  1. Share Your Code With Your Colleagues

Ever wanted to know what it’s like to be the “boss’s pet”? Share your referral code with your colleagues via email or company communication channels, and you’ll be everyone in the office’s favourite.

  1. Shave It On Your Dog

On your next visit to the dog parlour, ask them to shave your code on your dog. It will be a great conversation starter at the park, and you’ll become “SweepCred rich” with everyone using your code.

  1. Put It On A Billboard

This might be a little ambitious, but it’s worth a try. Put your code on a billboard. Just imagine the number of people you’d reach by having your referral code displayed on a billboard at a busy intersection.

There you have it! We might have given you some “out of the box” ideas, but it’s for a good reason. Start referring today, and watch your SweepCred pile-up.

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