How To Keep Pets Cool In Summer

Summer is usually a scorcher in South Africa, and if your pets love the outdoors, you have to take extra care to ensure they are properly hydrated and cool. There are several smart ways to keep their paws, eyes, and skin protected from harmful UV rays and heat, while also regulating their body temperatures to make sure they’re comfortable. If you’d like to do the same for yourself, check out these 10 tips to keep cool this summer. Keep reading to find out how to keep pets cool in summer so that your four-legged friends enjoy their holiday season too.

Plan Your Walks

Plan your walks

If you’re planning on walking your dog, you must know that dogs are not able to cope with the boiling weather as well as humans. Even a warm day can predispose dogs to overheat, especially if your pup needs exercise. Consider walking your dogs early in the morning when the sun hasn’t reached its full strength yet, or later in the evening when a cooler breeze takes over. Even so, make sure to take breaks in the shade, and if you haven’t already got one, buy a portable water bottle perfect for your dogs to drink from on walks. Alternatively, you can always participate in stimulating activities at home.


Water is crucial for your pets all year round just as it is for humans, especially on hotter days. If you’re out for the day with your dog, find out if the places you’re going to keep water bowls for dogs. Even if they do, it’s a good idea to take your portable water bottle with you anyway. 

Keeping Pets Cool Indoors

Keeping pets cool indoors

To keep your pets cool while indoors, it’s best to keep them in an air-conditioned area or in front of a fan, with multiple water bowls nearby. A cooling mat can be helpful too – the gel-filled mats are pressure activated to absorb a pet’s heat as soon as they sit on it, and they can provide your pet with relief for hours at a time. For an extra DIY task these holidays, try freezing their favourite treats to create yummy popsicles for your dog or cat. 

Look Out For Signs Of Heat Stroke

It’s essential to regulate your pets’ body temperatures because extreme outer temperatures can result in heatstroke. Signs of heat stroke include panting, glazed eyes, rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing, excessive thirst, profuse salivation, vomiting, a red or purple tongue, seizure and unconsciousness. Animals that are old, very young, overweight, not conditioned to prolonged exercise, or have heart and respiratory diseases will have a harder time breathing in the extreme heat. Certain breeds of dogs and cats with short muzzles, such as Shih Tzus, generally struggle with this too.

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If you feel the need to, go the extra mile by applying ice packs or cold towels to their heads, neck and chest area. If they don’t mind it, running cool water over them can help too. Ensure that they always have a constant supply of clean drinking water, and if you have any worries about your pet, it’s best to contact your regular veterinarian. No matter how you choose to spend time in the warm weather with your pets, with the right preventative care, you can have fun with them while staying safe. 
While you take care of your pets and ensure that they are ready for summer, why not start your holidays with a cleaning service from SweepSouth? We’ll ensure your home is spotless by getting rid of pet hair and so much more.

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