The 5 Best Apps For New Moms To Keep Track Of Everything

The first few months of having a baby can be hectic. Now that we always have our smartphones by our side, having a baby app can help keep track of everything, including feeds and naps. Some of these baby apps allow you to share the app with your baby’s caregivers, so while you’re busy or at work, you can receive a notification that your child is sleeping or feeding, and for how long. These apps also generate reports to keep you on top of trends. Here are 5 apps you should download if you’re expecting, or have just become a mom. 

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What Is A Good First-Time Mom App?

  1. The Wonder Weeks
  2. A Soft Murmur
  3. OurHome
  4. Tinybeans
  5. My Pregnancy & Baby Today

1. The Wonder Weeks

This app is a personalised weekly calendar for your baby’s mental development. It will keep you informed on the leaps and bounds, and phases that your baby will experience. Oftentimes you’ll find your baby becoming fussier when they’ve been well-behaved, for no apparent reason. The Wonder Weeks will also tell you about mental and developmental leaps your baby could be going through. 

This app features a Leap Alarm that notifies you that your baby is entering a new developmental phase or leap. It will be easier to deal with various stages in your baby’s life, especially if you know why they’re acting in a certain way. 

2. A Soft Murmur

Sleeping Baby

This app allows you to set the scene for your baby’s bedtime, as sleep is very important for a baby. For bedtime and nap time, you may want to use a white noise app to block out sounds from the rest of the house. You can also create a mix of sounds of waves, rain, wind and thunder; the sounds of waves with some rain and thunder can help to put your baby to sleep most nights. 

There’s also an option to fade out the sound. This is so that your child doesn’t become too dependent on white noise to sleep, but rather to put your baby in a sleepy mood. You don’t want to have an abrupt stop to the soothing noise; it can gently fade to quiet leaves as your baby goes to sleep. 

3. OurHome

When you first bring your baby home, the first thing that doesn’t take much priority anymore is the house. Dishes begin to pile up in the kitchen sink, the laundry turns into a heap, and your partner can only do so much to help. This may only leave you with enough time to quickly shower and eat on a daily basis. 

OurHome is a useful app to keep track of things that need to be done, and even by whom. Especially if you have older children who also help with the new baby, this app has a built-in reward system. If it’s just adults, you can use the app to keep track of chores, errands, and groceries, without using the reward system. This app also allows you to keep track of these things in the same app, across multiple devices. With a new baby in the house, it’s important to have little reminders of everything popping up on your phone’s screen.

4. Tinybeans

Baby Photo

This app is great for parents who love to take cute photos and share them on Facebook or other social media. But with this app, you can also share photos with other loved ones who want to see photos of the baby. 

Tinybeans is a way for you to privately share pregnancy and baby photos with your family off social media. Your family will receive daily updates via email, so even if they don’t have a cell phone, they can still enjoy looking at the photos. You can invite as many friends as you want, and with unlimited storage. 

Other useful features include:

  • Calendar view, to see your baby photos in a journal by date. 
  • Flashback lets you see how your baby looked on the same day last year. 
  • Photo editing lets you add text, filters and other fun effects. 
  • Safety – your baby’s photo story is backed up to the cloud.
  • There’s also a milestone tracker, to track your pregnancy as well as your baby’s growth and development. 

5. My Pregnancy & Baby Today

These apps help you know what changes to expect on a daily and weekly basis. It also provides standardised baby images so that you can track how your baby is growing. The apps also include information, in the form of videos, statistics, and bright readable icons, advising you on how to care for yourself through the journey. 


Tending to a newborn may be a frantic, yet joyful experience. Given the numerous responsibilities of a new mother, looking after a new baby can be taxing at times. These apps can help new mothers take care of their newest editions while creating time for themselves. All of these apps have different features that can be used to track your baby’s growth and development, feeding schedule and more. You can choose the app or apps that are the most suitable for you and your lifestyle. With a simple click, you can have all the information you need about baby care and monitoring in the palm of your hand. 

Furthermore, if you need tips for getting your home baby proof before you bring your baby home, check out the baby and child proofing checklist every parent needs. Since cleaning can be difficult while taking care of a newborn baby, you may want to book a home clean from our variety of cleaning services at SweepSouth.

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