How To Clean A Kettle Both Inside And Out

It helps to make your morning cup of coffee and evening cup of hot chocolate in the blink of an eye, but just how often is it being cleaned? Many people fail to clean their electric kettle because they simply forget to or don’t see the point in doing so because they only pour water into it. Cleaning a kettle is very important for a couple of reasons. 

In this article, we’ll look at those reasons and also take a deep dive into the different methods you can use to clean your kettle. For all of your other cleaning needs, head over to our cleaning services page to view the full list of professional services we offer.

Why Is It Important To Clean Your Kettle?

The first and most important reason you should be cleaning your kettle regularly, is for your health. You might be wondering how boiling water can affect your health when your reason for boiling it could have been for purification. The truth is that the minerals that get extracted from water during the boiling process start to form white, salty scales at the bottom of your kettle after enough use. This is especially problematic if you live in an area with unclean water. Either way, we should clean our kettles regularly to avoid consuming those solid minerals. 

The second reason you should be cleaning your kettle regularly is to extend its lifespan. Those same scales become a problem for your kettle’s element if they build up enough by reducing its working efficiency. Instead of putting a dent in your wallet with the purchase of a new kettle, use the following methods to give your current one a clean. 

Using Vinegar To Clean A Kettle

This method of cleaning involves more waiting than it does work, so you’ll be able to have a good night’s sleep while your kettle is essentially cleaning itself. Follow these 5 simple steps to clean your kettle using vinegar:

  1. Fill your kettle halfway using equal parts vinegar (preferably white vinegar) and water.
  2. Bring the kettle to a boil and let it run its full cycle. 
  3. Depending on when last you cleaned your kettle, allow the mixture to sit for a few hours or overnight.
  4. If you still notice any scales after pouring the mixture out, use a sponge to clean the rest. 
  5. Rinse the kettle thoroughly and let it air-dry. 

Using Soda To Clean A Kettle

If you’re staying away from soda as a new years resolution, keep going, but don’t be afraid to buy it to give your kettle a clean. Use these 4 easy steps to give your kettle a clean with soda:

  1. Fill a third of your kettle with soda. 
  2. Bring the kettle to a boil and let it run its full cycle. 
  3. Let the mixture sit for half an hour to an hour before pouring it out.
  4. Scrub the inside with a sponge if needed and rinse thoroughly before letting it air dry.

Using Citric Acid Or Lemons To Clean A Kettle

Citric acid is a powerful component of citrus fruits and is great at breaking down dirt and fighting off bacteria. Use these 4 simple steps to clean a kettle with citric acid:

  1. Fill your kettle halfway with water and let it boil for a full cycle.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of citric acid and let it sit for 20 to 30 minutes. 
  3. Pour out the mixture before scrubbing with a sponge if needed.
  4. Rinse your kettle thoroughly and let it air dry.

For a more in-depth look, check out our article on how to clean a kettle with lemon.

Pro Tip:
If you don’t have citric acid, use lemon slices instead. The acidity from the lemon itself will have the same effect. Repeat the steps above, but have the lemon slices in the kettle during the boiling process.

Using Bicarbonate Of Soda To Clean A Kettle

The final product we’ll talk about for cleaning the inside of your kettle, is bicarb of soda. Follow these 5 steps to get your kettle clean again:

  1. Fill your kettle halfway with water and add a tablespoon of bicarb of soda.
  2. Bring the kettle to a boil and let it run its full cycle. 
  3. Let the mixture sit for half an hour.
  4. Pour out the mixture before scrubbing with a sponge if needed.
  5. Rinse the kettle thoroughly and let it air dry. 

For a more in-depth look, check out our article on how to clean a kettle with bicarbonate of soda.

How To Clean The Outside Of A Kettle

Once you’ve cleaned the inside of your kettle, why not give the outside a shine to finish the job? Here are a couple of methods you can use to clean the outside of your kettle:

  • Use a sponge dipped in a mixture of hot soapy water to clean the outside before wiping it down with a microfiber cloth. 
  • If you want to clean a stainless steel kettle, use a clean, dry cloth dipped in some olive oil to wipe the kettle down.

The next time you reach for your favourite mug to make your morning cup of coffee, let it be a reminder to clean your kettle regularly. The benefits of having a clean kettle will help you enjoy those morning coffees even more, while the effort required to do so is minimal. 

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